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< Product & Information

Our Guarantees

Damaged or Defective Items

Items delivered by that were received damaged or have a manufacturer's defect:


If your product was damaged in shipping or if you wish to return it, please contact our customer care within 72 hours. Once the item is received, we will refund the cost of the item excluding shipping and handling fees.


If you are not completely satisfied, or a manufacturing defect is discovered after the 30-day return period, for any other issues concerning Standard Deliveries, contact us within 30 days after delivery, and we will offer you professional after-sale service.


For high-value items, we may ask for a return.


When processing your return, all of the accessories, like cables, chargers, batteries should be included in the returned parcel. If an accessory or component is missing, we will ask you to pay for it.


Buyers should be responsible for all the return shipping fees.


After receiving your return, we can:


Sending you replacement parts or accessories

Replacing or exchanging the product

Issue a partial/full refund

For lost items, we will arrange the replacement if it’s in stock. Otherwise, we will refund you.


Please pay attention:


Depending on the size of your order and our inventory, it is common for items to arrive separately and via different methods of delivery.


We may have placed the part(s) you are looking for in an unusual location as some products have special requirements for packaging and transportation. If not, please contact Customer Care to better serve you.


Requests for a refund or a replacement after 30 days from delivery are not acceptable. For further information, please contact our customer care.


Exchanges & Replacements

We will not process exchanges or replacements for any order. If you want to make an exchange or need a replacement, please return the original item back to us and place a new order for a replacement.


How to Return Items

Request for a refund within 30 days from delivery is acceptable. Please submit your return request to our Customer Care and we will instruct you to return the item.

We need you to provide your order number, the item SKU number and tracking number after you've sent it.

Please Note:


If your request is not approved or items are returned in an unacceptable state, we reserve the right not to process a refund.


Make sure the package is intact and in the original package.


Missing Parts


If something is missing, we’ll send you replacement parts for free as soon as possible. You can contact our Customer Care and have your item number and invoice number available.


Please remember to complete this process within 30 days of the delivery date.